
15 Outdoor Activities for Kids

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Outdoor activity ideas

One of the best things parents can do for their kids is encourage them to get outside for some fresh air and fun. Outdoor play keeps kids off screens, increases their physical fitness, and can even help boost their moods. What’s not to love?

The good news: You don’t need an extensive inventory of outdoor kids toys to come up with memorable outdoor activities for kids. All it takes is a little imagination and a willingness to play. With that said, let’s explore how to keep kids busy in the summer with these tried-and-true outdoor activity ideas.

1. Have a Catch

Grab a baseball and a couple of baseball gloves and have a good old-fashioned catch in the backyard. To add extra fun to this outdoor summer activity, count how many back-and-forth catches you can make before your streak ends.

2. Play Red Light Green Light

It’s fun to embrace recreational activities for children that we played growing up. For Red Light Green Light, appoint one kid as the “stoplight” and have them stand with their back to a bunch of other kids. When the stoplight shouts “green light,” the kids move forward and try to be the first to reach the stoplight. At any point, the stoplight may shout “red light!” and turn around. If any of the players are caught moving, they’re out.

3. Play Tag

Continuing the theme of outdoor activities for kids that never go out of style, we have tag. The player designated as “It” chases other players around and tries to tag them by touching them with their hand. When a person is tagged, the tagger says, “Tag, you’re It”—and the gameplay continues with the new tagger leading the charge.

4. Host an Ice Cream Social

Hosting an ice cream social is one of our favorite activities for hot summer days. Set up a table so kids can make their own sundaes in an assembly line fashion.  Put out bowls, spoons, and a few different flavors of ice cream. Include containers of fun toppings like rainbow sprinkles, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and Welch’s® Fruit ‘n Yogurt™ Snacks—a delicious yogurt covered snack made with Real Fruit surrounded by Creamy Yogurt.

5. Give Your Dog a Bath

Why not get your pets involved in warm weather activities? After all, they need to cool off, too. Fill a baby pool with water, grab some dog shampoo, and lather, rinse, repeat. Kids can even turn petcare into a business idea. Summer water activities are always a hit.

6. Set Up Activity Stations

If you’re looking for classic backyard activities for kids, set up simple activity stations throughout the yard and have kids complete each activity before running to the next. For example: designate a jumping jack station, a hula hoop corner, a jump rope zone, and more. This is one of those fun things to do in the summer that works well for teams and larger groups.

7. Make an Obstacle Course

This outdoor summer activity is similar to setting up activity stations. Create a simple obstacle course for kids to navigate using items you have on hand. For example, have kids jump from one patio paver to the next on one foot, then crawl under a picnic table, then cross a set of jungle gym bars before going down a slide. Consider setting a timer and seeing if kids can beat the clock.

8. Take an After-Dinner Stroll

Sometimes the best outdoor activity ideas are the simplest. Work off dinner by hitting the pavement as a family for an evening walk. It’s a great way to discover your surroundings, get to know your neighbors, and enjoy some togetherness. Bring along reusable water bottles and easy-to-tote snacks, like individually packaged Welch’s® Fruit Snacks.

9. Play in a Sandbox

Bring the beach to the backyard by setting up a sandbox. This outdoor summer activity is perfect for younger kids as it engages them in sensory play. You don’t even need outdoor kids toys that are meant specifically for sand play. Some plastic cups and household containers will do!

10. Blow Bubbles

Another one of our favorite fun things to do in the summer with little kids is blowing bubbles. Experiment with different size bubble wands and see how big the bubbles can get before they pop. Let kids try to catch bubbles with a wand or pop them with their fingers.

11. Run Through a Sprinkler

When it comes to summer water activities, it doesn’t get any simpler than a run through the sprinkler. All you need is a grassy area, a hose, and whatever sprinkler you have on hand. You’ve got to love backyard activities for kids that you can set up in a flash. Bonus points: You’ll water your lawn at the same time!

12. Create a Carwash

Speaking of summer activities for children that kill two birds with one stone, why not turn your driveway into a carwash? Grab a hose, large sponges, and a bucket of soapy water and let kids make your car sparkle. You can even invite neighbors over and have your kids wash their cars for a small fee. We recommend having kids wear their swimsuits for this outdoor summer activity.

13. Play Lawn Bowling

Lawn bowling is one of those outdoor activities for kids that adults seem to like just as much. You can either buy an outdoor bowling set or create a DIY version using a rubber ball and water bottles as pins. It’s the perfect way to strike up some fun.

14. Grow a Garden

Next on our list of fun outdoor activities is growing a garden. Whether you choose flowers, herbs, or veggies, kids will have fun getting their hands dirty and seeing the results of their work. Give them the task of watering their garden as an ongoing responsibility.

15. Have a Nature Scavenger Hunt

Head to your local park or hiking trail and try to spot items on a list, such as red leaves, squirrels, ant hills, or pinecones. Compete with your family members to see who can find the most items. Bring along trail mix made from granola, almonds, pretzels, and Welch’s® Fruit Snacks. Made with Real Fruit, these dairy and gluten free snacks are an excellent source of Vitamins A, C & E.

There are so many things for kids to do outside and so many ways to encourage outdoor play. No matter which outdoor activities for kids you choose, be sure to fuel their summer fun with delicious Welch’s Fruit Snacks.

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